The Use
That is why, now in developed countries the impact of the minimum dose UV radiation is defined in 40 mJ / sm.kv. and in all the stations designed for handling water and waste water laid dose of ultraviolet radiation of 70-100 mJ / sm.kv. In this case, are the most promising methods combined effects of different water disinfectants and methods. One method is the simultaneous action of ultrasound on the water and ultraviolet light used in the new disinfection technology water under the name "Azure". It is based on continuous treatment of water by ultraviolet radiation, with a flux density of not less than 40 mJ / sm.kv. and a wavelength of 253.7 nm and 185 nm with a simultaneous ultrasound exposure density of about 2 W / sm.kv.
and acoustic vibrations. The proposed technology is "Lazur" has been successfully implemented and tested since 1997 in bactericidal units modular series of "Lazur-M". During processing, the flow of water passing ultrasound from the transducer to be placed directly into the camera body ultraviolet irradiator in the water-vapor short-form "of the cavern." They arise when the local discharge in the water and collapse, explode when compressed in the volume of water module installed on the irregularities with a frequency of several tens of kilohertz. In this case, due to sharp changes in pressure and temperature in the water is completely destroyed pathogenic microflora, form active radicals and hydrogen peroxide, as in the role of inhomogeneities act fungal spores, bacteria, and in fact non-target processing. In addition, under the influence ultraviolet radiation in the volume of processed liquid in the module installed, a process of degassing of the bulk – the emergence of numerous, microscopic air bubbles. If we evaluate the effectiveness of this method on the degree of inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms in comparison with ultraviolet disinfection, then the similar energy costs (for waste 15-20 watts / cubic meter.) impact is equivalent to 150mDzh/sm.kv. that almost unattainable in an acceptable, cost-effective options for ultra-stations by companies in the U.S., Europe and Russia. A similar efficiency (Lg N input / N out = 5 – 6) ensures absolute reliability decontamination of 99.9999% for the next 20-30 years, with comparable costs for the construction of decontamination of water and sewage, which is most attractive to any customer.
In this regard, comparing the install Azure M250 (250 cbm / h) of "Svarog" and OS-36A, 72A OS, GWU-288 – the company 'LIT', then by all major indicators (cost, power consumption, vesogabarity, efficiency, operating costs) should be noted the absolute superiority setting a series of "Lazur". An additional advantage of these plants is lower requirements for water clarity (50%), the number of particles suspended in water (up to 20 mg / l). and no need for periodic clear protective covers from the tubes biofouling and solarization. (Functions of the washing machine perform ultrasonic vibrations cavitators). In conclusion, it should be noted that, currently, Russia has run out of work to develop regulations for water and effluents, as well as institute them. AN Sysina revised guidelines regarding the use of UV disinfection devices for drinking water, wastewater and other waters. In this case, the minimum dose of ultraviolet radiation will be legalized, since 2007 at no less than 40 mJ / sm.kv. and this is particularly important.