The Group
After the donation of all we will return the College so that the pupils return its activities. 4,1 WAITED RESULTS GOTTEN We intend through the boarding on the importance and sensitization of the young of 18 the 25 years in donating blood. Being that the objective of this work is to bring average of 40 students with the present conscience to donate blood, leaving you do not doubt and at the same time removing the fears that many people possess due to knowledge lack. Being thus, the givers will be informed on the benefits of the donation, time necessary to donate and as they will be benefited, beyond being giving to an act of solidarity and welfare to the patients who come to need sanguineous stock markets. Had the rise of the standard of the quality of the collected blood, the knowledge and the responsibility of the givers how much to the temporary and definitive impediments for the donation intending with this to make with that this chain of solidarity does not stop, and that not only the same ones, but that others also continue donating and saving lives.
Thus materialize our objective that is to contribute of pleasant form in the blood replacement, keeping an adequate supply so that the UNISANG can take care of the necessities of our region. Therefore had to the great index of accidents and carried through surgical procedures daily in our city, the available supply at the moment can enough not have the approach of the CARNIVAL. We got a positive result, therefore through the lecture given for in the academics to the pupils of the group of Fisioterapia and the carried through dynamics we obtain to search one I number considerable of givers, for in such a way, 33 people of the two groups if they had made use to donate blood in the day where 23 of February of 2011, in the matutino turn.