The Ages
The karma is plastic and can negotiate their weight revocation request, and close the account of all that, apparently, is due. Many emotional issues or illnesses are karmic issues, particularly genetic diseases, because they have an etheric structure of the human being an outstanding learning. The traces of violence that human beings have suffered for centuries, leaving their footprints and desestrucutura a life. With a new life, re-estrucutura the physical cuepro be a new opportunity to play the balance-necessary. Links remain: for love or pain, people stay connected through the centuries and times. It is always a matter of learning. Some among them are yet to build, or to remedy or to compensate.
So much hate as love remains and unites people through their lives. What is that one must assume parental roles or gender, are rotary and a man might assume the female gender in life to learn a new relational issues with someone who also pack sex in a new experience together. For better or worse, finding the balance and the opportunity to resolve outstanding issues, always exist and are repeated through the ages. Parents can become sons, husbands, brothers, lovers, enemies, etc.. It seems that this apparent promiscuity raises the banner of tolerance in the observation of our past lives.
Self-forgiveness and forgiveness to others: Through the ages many people may be linked by an unresolved dispute. Once, at some time must end the conflict. We must end in a civilized manner evolved character. Forgiveness, rather than the recognition of wrong positions and actions mal traffic, is the psychic detachment of two or more people.