Tea and Health
Tea is an exciting infusion, with much more beneficial than the coffee properties. First because the caffeine of the tea excites to a lesser extent and for a longer time than coffee, and secondly, because the tea is a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. According to traditional Chinese medicine tea (camellia sinensis), prevents tooth decay, fights cholesterol, removes fat, lengthens the life and a long list of properties that make this infusion a genuine preventive medicine. Little by little these qualities are demonstrating by modern medicine and increasingly there are more Westerners who incorporated the tea into your daily diet. There are different types of tea, and each of them will properties attributed different, although there are more than 200 varieties, we can be classified into four major groups: green tea-its fresh leaves, buds and tender part of the stem is used.
She is the wind, left to dry in the shade for a very short time, so that they not fermented. Attributed antioxidant, diuretic, prevention properties of the cancer, bowel regulator, and protective of the immune system. Red tea-comes from the city of Kunming, in the province of Yennen. Its leaves are crushed and dried in the Sun, until its partial fermentation. Its aroma is smoky and resinous. They call it the tea of the emperors, and it is credited as a main quality that helps to reduce fat and cholesterol levels. Tea black.-is the most used in the West, although it also has antioxidants and fluorine, its main quality is astringent, so it is used to stop diarrhea.
Tea white-is the newest, and that older properties attributed to him, but it is also the most expensive, for being difficult to obtain. It comes from China, it is grown in the high mountains. The flowers are used with their stamens (hairs), which is where their properties are more concentrated. Left to dry without being manipulated or fermented. It has antioxidant properties, prevents cancer, provides vitamins C and E, strengthens hair, stimulates the defenses, is good for menopause, fights radicals free, it lowers blood sugar levels. Many of the properties attributed to him for centuries by traditional Chinese medicine, are currently demonstrating through scientific studies. Although the fact that prevents Cancer is not currently shown, a study conducted among 40,000 people in Japan, who drank five or more cups of green tea a day, proved to have more longevity.