The Mesclagem
Sin embargo, as los African esclavos tenan that to luchar hard to mantener su identidad cultural, lo that it means joins lucha daily to mantener sus values culturales to volver to trabajar estos values to prevent that if pierdan en there sociedad, en there that los Africans tendrn that enfrentarse of the cultures religious, el Christianity, venerated for sus amos, y los religious myths of Africa, that you are su natural origin, creando joins series of enfrentamientos between these of religiones, that bad afternoon pueblo will be llamar as un crossed. Word: Origin. frica. Miscigenacin. 1 INTRODUCTION the black started to be introduced in Brazil in the end of century XVI for the Portuguese who colonized these lands, with intention to substitute the aboriginal man power for the black. The black started to be an important figure in the Brazilian scene. Brought to fortify the economy the black was inserted in, but diverse areas of work, as in the agricultural area, artesanato and even in the domestic works. Thus the black started to be part of the construction of the country and also of the Brazilian family. To speak on the contribution of the black for formation of the Brazilian society and to speak of that they had planted will construct large houses, churches, forts and entire cities in a world made for whites only saw that them as objects, tools without name, memory, history and merit some for what they had carried through in the construction of the country and the society, that each time, but if influenced for the culture, religion and even though for the mesclagem of the black with white. How to speak of this contribution of the black in the formation of the Brazilian society? We know that this was not seen as people and for being people did not exist, as such did not have identity nor history for the white man only existed a history its as colonizador, but to the black not even it much less had soul merit of some thing.
Postam Work
For Kapfere (1993), the difference is in the communication chain (rumors will count to not-authorized messages and of interest universa, while fofoca is spread of selective form, inside of a group specify). For Allport and Postam (1953), rumor alone proliferates the absence of doubtless tests. For Eugenio Mussak (2008) They say that fofoca for the simple reason exists to live in society. So that this is enough justification, valley to remember so that to a group of people pass to be considered a society, and necessary that such people have, interest one for the others. Of certain form, when making a commentary on somebody, we are trying to understand the essence of the proper species human being, therefore we are making a self-knowledge exercise.
That one that is not interested for nobody suffers of a sociopatia takes that it if to move away from the conviviality, what it harms ties the intrapessoal relation. Therefore, it seems that everybody makes fofoca. What it varies between the people and the amount and the nature of fofoca that they make. It has very fofoqueira people and it has the circumstantial fofoqueiros. It really has those that use fofoca as maledicncia, harming the ones that are its targets; has the ones that if amuse with fofocas innocent. But everybody makes fofoca, and of the nature human being. Mussak (2008) still says: The great evil of fofoca and the partiality of the interpretation of who make. To comment something on the life of somebody and a thing, to emit judgment of value on same and the other. In the environment of Mussak work it still follows with the reasoning placing for example a work environment; ' ' To excessively say that the head of the office this working and has presented signals of estresse is a thing; more to insinuate that it is the office because probably, this fought with the woman and still superficially deducts in the employees is another total diferente.' ' Mussak (2008) it says despite surrounding of work they are an ideal broth of culture for the growth of fofoca.
Silvino, in its contribution to the sprouting of the group of dana.RESUTADOS and first DISCUSSESNosso contact was with Mr. Silvino Pantoja de Souza currently with 65 years of age, and that it always worked as musician. He is founding of the Group Old Coconut that of the Oil. It speaks mainly as he appeared the group and some events during elapsing of the years. The Group Old Coconut that of the Oil appeared in 1979, in one beats papo with friends, from these colloquies they had decided to make a group of dance with aged. The first presentation happened with a group of 48 people in day 24 of July of 1979, in one old one squares of college SESI, situated in the street 1 of January, in Altamira-PA.Os main incentivadores had been Mr.
Silvino Pantoja de Souza who until today collaborates with the organization, and, also are one of the brincantes and passistas substitute, and Mrs. Valumira de Souza, (Dead in 11 of September of 2004) its wife, who collaborated sufficiently in the elaboration of the clothes. Mr. Silvino says that: ' ' Altamira in the decade of 70 did not have much to offer for the aged people, who many times, for if feeling alone and without having no additional occupation, had found through the dance one take refuge that leisure and animation when being propitiated them practising-a' '. This data are pointed for Rigo (2005, pg.
2) that it affirms: In the capitalist society occidental person sees the aged one as that one that does not have more as to collaborate in its community. This optics comes of meeting with the utilitarian vision, that engrandece the competition and discards what it is not newness. Therefore, the vision of the aged one is of illness, incapacity, lack of autonomy, contribution and participation. To age starts to be synonymous of weight for the familiar ones and the society.
Aged Anthropology
The fact is that nor all have the patience, or the availability to take care of of its aged ones. The lack of available time to supply love, affection, attention, becomes it more used excuse to remove the weight of the shoulders of that they are with the moral responsibility of takes care of them. The intervention of the together social service the families who are without possibilities to take care of of its aged one is important. Many times the violence acts come due to orientation and desperation. The humanizao is an ingredient that must be learned and be used. Pena Nieto for more information. We have that to use the awareness and knowing that one day all we will go to age, using more the public politics and program of prevention.
According to Anthropologist and Coordinator of the course of after-graduation in Gerontologia of the PUC Elisabeth Frohlich Mercadante, the longevity human being is presented currently as a great historical and social conquest. ' ' Ahead of the population growth of the aged segment and the increase of the number of years of life, it is today imposed to think and to analyze the oldness, not as the end of the life, but as a new stage to be vivida' '. Our society prioritizes the new, detaches youth as cultural value to be pursued by all and presents the future as something that belongs to the young. The old one appears as the opposite of it, without future, living of souvenirs of a passed life, where it was adult and young. This vision of the oldness is generating of social representations homogenezam that it, being able to develop attitudes discriminatory in relation to the aged segment. The discrimination, gift in the looks and attitudes, manifest in the diverse spheres of the social life – family, work, health – creating different forms of violence in relation to idoso' '.
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