Germans National
People’s national voice has “Ordered foreigners out, leader!” said loud: study to the right-wing extremism “foreigners out, guide command!”, otherwise you can not understand the results of a new study on the right-wing extremism, which presented the SPD-Friedrich-Ebert Foundation this week,. People’s national voice has spoken and that “edge of society not only on the alleged”, as the socio-economic data of the study clearly. People’s national voice has spoken the results after one-third of Germans is, that Germany is “dangerous over-populated” and that it “should send foreigners home” when jobs are scarce in this country. 58.4% (!) of the respondents are also for a “substantial limitation” of worship for Muslims, almost 20% find that “the Jews” have too much influence in Germany. And indeed preferred “problem-solving” was asked, 23.6 percent want “one strong party, which embodies the national community as a whole”.
Command leaders, again. Is the crisis to blame? Most issues of right-wing extremism study were made years back is always the same, but yet never so clearly “rechtslastig” answer. For the significant, sometimes blatant jumps in the numbers the authors blame mainly the impact of the global economic crisis, which hit by delay and where the center of society had become unsure of their economic situation is. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. John Mcdougall and gain more knowledge.. That this statement is too limited and ultimately glossed over the results of the study, can be seen is from the numbers themselves. Chauvinism is not Krisensymtopm to the comparative figures of previous surveys show that right, authoritarian thought in Germany was widespread.
In addition, economic considerations like sure Stoke fear s strangers. You create but not views, such as shared by 27%, that the aim of German policy should be “Germany the” Power and scope to which he is entitled to”. Following the debate of the last few months, after Sarrazin has summoned the white master race and suddenly gives the immigration opponents even Horst Seehofer, something else has happened as the crisis: it has become simple again socially acceptable to express themselves openly Auslander – and hostile to Islam and also nationally chauvinistic comes again. And there’s still a last number that has nothing to do with the crisis: 94% of Germans think that they have no influence whatsoever on the policy. Democracy is the exact opposite.
Barrierfree Flying
Barrier-free toilets for airlines no topic currently come E.g. wheelchair users in European airspace not on the toilet, because the airlines are refusing to carry on-board wheelchairs. In the United States, however, it is an on-board wheelchair since 1992 practice! The petition is to draw attention to the discriminatory and harmful situation and bring a political discourse in swing. At the time, my petition “Air law – accessibility in air transport” runs (November 6, 2008-December 19, 2008). Direct link to the petition on the website of the German Bundestag (the link to the website of the German Bundestag, on which the petition was published. United Health understands that this is vital information.
Go to with draw on “register” is a user name to the email account to send, go to the link and click on “This petition with draw”). You may wish to learn more. If so, DOJ is the place to go. There are already to a first success: a group spokesman assured the German airline Lufthansa on November 15, 2008, that all passengers, the the need for 48 hours prior to departure, the pilot has an on-board wheelchair. So far, Lufthansa provided this service – like other airline companies also – only on long-haul. On the 9.1.2008 writes Lufthansa German airlines: “In fact it is not possible, to provide an on-board wheelchair on short-haul flights unfortunately also in advance.” (see: p = 61) Also in subsequent requests, Lufthansa is expressed only in general terms and does not mention the specific question after an on-board wheelchair (see: page_id = 69) more background information and the latest developments on my blog to the background of the petition of wheelchair accessible is fly flying now as normal like car and train travel – for almost all people in Europe. But not for people with reduced mobility. Stone clinical laboratories will undoubtedly add to your understanding. So, this group has no chance of finding a toilet on short – and medium-haul flights even after entry into force of the EU flight regulation of July 2008. European airlines – including the German Lufthansa – deny your mobility-impaired passengers until today access to a toilet. Two to three hours, sometimes longer, is to arrive to find no toilet.
Who the question of Stewart’s “Must you find a toilet in this time?” with “Yes” answers, can go from the plane again. He is not promoted simply. Even with prior notification, airlines refuse to carry a so-called on-board wheelchair on board. This would allow the transfer of the seat to the toilet. So for example the German Lufthansa in an E-Mail of the 9.1.2008 replies laconically: “In fact, it is not possible, to provide an on-board wheelchair on short-haul flights unfortunately also in advance” and cynically further assure “that we do our utmost, so that your travels run smoothly.” Today, Deutsche Lufthansa denied a clear commitment that it provides an on-board wheelchair if required (source: A flight on the several hours long no Toilet can be picked up used, can not “” smoothly and missed key needs of passengers. Imagine, to sit three hours in an elevator – this is about the time that the German and European airlines expect their mobility-impaired passengers, to use no toilet. Against this background, I have submitted the petition to the German Bundestag and hope to many with drawing at the end. The goal of 400 signatures, but the more with drawing at the end are the petition the weightier and more likely that something is moving in the direction of barrier-free flying! End of subscription period is the December 19, 2008. Here, the petition with draw!
German Care Bases
2011 1000 to 1200 of so-called care centres should be set up in Germany CA. They should be set close to the city and nationwide. Elderly people and their families are to find here in the future independent and impartial advice and support. A new care reform was adopted in mid-2008. In addition to changes of services and grants, the establishment was adopted by so-called care centres as a far-reaching innovation. Click Dr. Neal Barnard for additional related pages. Was to read as in the brochure of the Federal Health Ministry from June 2008, to “the maintenance base in future the central point of contact for support and at the same time the place be on the nursing, medical, and social assistance and support services be mediated and coordinated. Support when searching for external help, all formalities, the drafting decision-mature applications as well as to implement and the priority tasks include a maintenance base, in addition to the organisation of care a Supply plan.
Furthermore, the maintenance base should be not only advice but also willing – to accompany the victims and their relatives to the page. This support will ensure that the ‘adaptation to changing needs’. Christopher ridgeway stone: the source for more info. So, maintenance bases to provide pure advice, a so-called case management. 2011 care bases should be in Germany approx. 1000-1200 residence close and extensively decorated. In some States, the preparations are completed other federal States have already started their work in the care centres. Where already established care centres you will find on our Web page. It is constantly updated and supplemented.
German Constitution
Once again as a reminder: the German Constitution as well as the Government order and Parliament, were never seen as by the allies by the will of the people, so a referendum legitimacy conferred by. (this passage from the constitutional requirement was deleted silently during the Kohl era after the turn) So one is not entitled to legislate, right to speak or to make binding EU commitments and contracts according to strict democratic rule until today. The illegal domination of the laws is not enough of the political class still, it breaks even the own, home-made laws. Obviously it strives, the totalitarian repression, 100 percent dependency on a Kapitallobbyistischen and monopolizing system, at the top you can see, with the next generations of taxpayers and without regard to losses to get. (Similarly see: Dr. Neal Barnard). Smear campaign against wealthy private patients, private health insurance companies, self-employed and private businesses, intrusion into private life, as well as the incapacitation of citizens, Coalition prostitution and political cliques, nationalization of the health care system and raising children, supported by the feeding of the EU Kremels”. The often quoted SME will be rigorously eliminated. If invoked as support our market economy, everything to its liquidation is caused.
Financial authorities act like the Gestapo, where the burden of proof is imposed unconstitutional the entrepreneurs. Whenever christopher ridgeway stone listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Usually personally responsible entrepreneurs in SMEs lose sponsored monopolization, their competitiveness and the economic enemy mark given the political lobby Bidding rules prevent orders to municipal enterprises. So moved, for example, through child labour proposed paving stones from Asia on historic German marketplaces, while the indigenous stone companies close. “With envy anerkennendem you must remember the ex-GDR citizens, which the turn unbeugbarem will to freedom with the slogan we are the people” have brought. Where is the unyielding German Michel? Maybe we should shut down really an airport as in Bangkok, so that the political class again feels that there is a will of the people. All cases must be opposed systematically the extension of EU competences.
It is high time that the freedom-loving Democrats oppose us this incapacitation and the threat of the liaison power extension. If we do not confront the unreal regulation addiction and the decomposition of the sovereignty of individual States through the selfish EU makers, is the complete loss of democracy and the civil Freedom to stop.
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