CRF Medicines
The objective of the present work is to revise inherent concepts to the practical one of the Pharmaceutical Attention in the Dispensao de Antimicrobianos in would drug. For this a bibliographical revision was become fullfilled, searching scientific articles and the current law in the site of the CRF-SP, specialized magazines and sites in the Internet as Scielo, Pub Med and academic Google. In the act of the dispensao of medicines the druggist must assure the right to the information and orientation to the medicine use. Health Care CEOs gathered all the information. Antibiotics are natural or synthetic composites capable to inhibit the growth or to cause the death of fungos or bacteria. The resistance is considered a phenomenon that occurs as reply of the bacterium front to one I stimulate ambient as the ample antibiotic use and its presence in the environment. The promotion of the rational use of medicines are a very important component of one national medicine politics.. Learn more about this topic with the insights from christopher ridgeway stone clinical.
Health Care Policy
An ulcer it must daily be evaluated and be registered, therefore its evolutivo process can vary, either it of one week for cicatrizao the months and in some cases until years for it heals-ls. This register of nursing must include the main characteristics of the injury, such as: necrtico the fabric stadium, dimension, exsudado, presence, fabric of granulation, reverse speed-epitelizao or signals of celulite. WRITS OF PREVENTION Are essential, therefore they reduce the risk to develop pressure ulcers enters 25 50%. According to Agency of Health Care Policy and Research? AHCPR 1994, apud ROCK, 2006, the primary objectives are necessary, therefore they at risk identify to the sick people and adoption of writs of prevention, essential in the maintenance and otimizao of the tecidual tolerance to the pressure, as well as for protection of the harmful effect of the pressure, friction shear, beyond as educational programs and of formation for reduction of the incidence of pressure ulcers.
Amongst the writs of prevention we detach the protectors of the integrity of the skin, derived from acid greasy and aliviadores of pressure (that such are the descompressores as: plate hidrocolide, film hidrocolide, air colxins, mattress, etc), beyond the necessity of adequate and regular reposicionamento. Massages of comfort are indicated for stimulation of the local sanguineous circulation, becoming massages regularly, in special in: spike, ndegas and ankle. What it is not indicated is the use of the massage on hiperemiadas areas. TREATMENT the identification and the precocious treatment allow a significant reduction of the costs, to prevent the progression and to speed up the regeneration of the pressure ulcer. The global cost of the treatment of a pressure ulcer degree IV is 10 times superior to the one of an ulcer degree II.
World Health Organisation
For the elaboration of this article, we use scientific and documentary article references that we find in the site of the Health department, for thus terms one better basement in our work and to increase our knowledge on this subject, mainly articles related to the woman and its childbirth, that will be the main focus of quarrel in elapsing of the work. However our study this directly related to the Project of law Pact for the Life, more come back pra woman and its childbirth, that when elapsing of the research and the elaboration of the work instigated in them to want to contribute with improvements in the generality being thus focused the professionalism of the professionals of the health, making with that they work this humanizao of natural form, thus transmitted to these women the respect and sensitivity that the same ones need in this hour. Words Keys: Humanizao, Respect and Professionalism. ABSTRACT According you the World Health Organisation – WHO, the pact covers all three levels, federal, state and municipal levels. The project has its central theme the ' ' Pact will be Life' ' , which is connected directly you the issue of humanization, which is scarce these days in health. Reflecting the generally to greater awareness of rights developed by the bill pact will be life, highlighting the problems related you population health. With the critical eye reflective, we can observes that the main rolls is the need and improving the performance of health professionals, seeking it lives humane and dignified care will be women, advocating the respect it deserves and the right you know what' deal s the will be life. Based on the Law of the Ministry of Health, decided you the propose study you assess the degree of knowledge about the existence of this pact, since the only declines of the public still care pretty, with the objective of information will be these health care professionals, consciousness an innovator, even though the pact has been in place will be adds teams.
The Adjustments
The treatment of the diabetes during the gestation aims at a good glicmico control. When it occurs imperfection in the attainment of good glicmico control with diet, associate or it physical exercises are not indicated the insulinoterapia (Bertini, 2005 and Langer, 2006). The number of gestantes that use insulina depends on the population and the used glicmicos parameters as objective, being able to arrive 60% of these more than. (LANGER, 2002). For the beginning of the insulinoterapia with security, the education of the administration technique must be made, of the adjustments of the diet and recognition, treatment and prevention of hipoglicemia crises. The dose insulina initial, as the number of daily administrations, has frequent that to be increased with the progress of the pregnancy, which had to the increase of the insulinorresistncia folloies that it. Another factor that helps in the therapeutical one of diabetes is the adequate food ingestion for the gestante, therefore the therapeutical nutricional is the rock of touch of this treatment and has as objective main to keep the glicmico peak after-prandial inside of normal values.
The limitation of the carboidratos in the meals is basic, since these are the factor most determinative for glicmico peak after-prandial. The nutricional program must contemplate 6-7 daily meals, being 3 main meals, 2 3 intermdias and 1 when lying down. The diet must provide to calories and enough nutrients, as much for the necessities of the pregnancy, as for the attainment of the established glicmicos objectives. In the composition of the diet the carbohydrates will have to contribute with 50 55% of the energy necessities, the proteins with 15 20% and the lipdeos with 30% (10% of saturated fats, 10% of monoinsaturadas and 10% of I polished-insaturadas). Therefore, the accompaniment with a nutritionist is essential during the gestation, independent if the gestation will be of risk or not. The necessary gestante to know that its nutricionais necessities are fulfilled of adequate form.
A species that possesss great variability in social characteristics, economic, dietary and cultural, beyond more, the inexistence of an easy animal model and low cost for more invasive and conclusive studies, does not allow the adequate determination of the etiology, therapeutical fisiopatologia and (Takiuti, Kahhale and Zugaib, 2000). According to Rudge (1994), it has tracks enough to consider the toxemia as illness of multiple agencies, with endotelial disfuno, being the common way and final in its etiology and patognese, however, it has not been given accurate. 3. RISK FACTORS the degree of probability of the occurrence of one Is understood for risk determined event (Pear tree, 2000). Relative risk informs how many times a risk is bigger in a group, if compared with another one.
To if analyzing the risk factors, it can, of an indirect form, to arrive at the concept of pregnancy of high risk (Gomes et al, 2001). Diverse recognized factors as predisponent with respect to the toxemia, authors according to searched will be pointed, which relate the DHEG with the age materna, parity, race, multiple pregnancy, partner-economic level, obesidade, chronic hipertenso arterial, antecedent familiar, diabetes mellitus, estresse, nefropatia, tobaccoism, alcohol, caffeine and manual work. 3,1 AGE MATERNA In Brazil, currently, of the four million women who are pregnant per year, about 20% is adolescent (Lins et al, 2001). The toxemia is more frequent in age extremities, below of the 18 years or above of the 35 years (Saints, Timerman and Andrade, 2000; Gomes, Matuo and Carvalheiro, 2000; Pascoal, 2002; Arajo et al, 1998; Ziegel and Granley, 1995; Cabral, Costa and Cabral Jr, 2003; Coast et al, 2002; Lins et al, 2001; Zampieri, 2000; Alencar Jr, 2000; Nurdan, Mattar and Camano, 2003 and Kahhale et al, 2000). Controversies how much to the fact of the gestation in the adolescence exist to increase the risk of obsttricas complications.
HIV Health
It is carried through during six months. In some cases special, they can last more time. Moreover, the vaccination with BCG in the just-been born one, protects the young children and adults against the serious forms of primary tuberculosis as the miliar (spread in the pulmes and other agencies) and the tuberculosa meningite. The effectiveness of the vaccine is between 75 and 85%. Comments gerais/IMPORTANTES? Infectadas people and that they are not sick do not transmit the bacillus. A time infectadas, the person can develop tuberculosis illness in any phase of the life. All the individuals infectados for the HIV must be submitted to the tuberculnico test.
Few days after the beginning of the correct chemotherapy, the bacilli of the tuberculosis practically lose its infectante power. All the projects, the medication are of daily use and will have to be managed of taken preference in an only one in jejum or, in case of digestive intolerncia, together with a meal. Special attention must be given to the treatment of groups considered of high risk of poisoning, as people with more than 60 years, in bad general state and alcoolistas. The accompaniment of the treatment consists of the periodic evaluation of the evolution of the illness and the correct use of medicines, therefore the gratuitous supply must be guaranteed to the patient and uninterrupted of the medication it specifies. CONCLUSION Although the great advances of the medicine in the last few decades, the tuberculosis still is the more prevalent infectious illness in the world. This if of the one for the lack of information of the patients, the professionals of health and of neglects of the service epidemiologist as well as of the health managers. However, one becomes necessary that the health professionals if become experts of the TBC and its situation in Brazil/world, of the measures that the Health department is taking to diminish its advance through the implantation of the National Plan of Control of the Tuberculosis and its paper as educators in the process. That they are habits to identify a suspicious case of conscientious tuberculosis and of the importance of the notification, as well as of the necessity following the evolution of the treatment guaranteeing the correct treatment of the patient and its recovery.
Pharmaceutical Attention
With a new face under the biggest position that somebody can occupy in a country? of the presidency, much is argued on which will be the steps of Brazil in next the four years. The hope of a majority that is treated as minority if renews for believing that of this time somebody to provide with laws and sanctions that aim at its necessities. These, go since the scope of the habitation, sanitation and transport until the one of the health, education and feeding. Unhappyly, what one sees to each four years is a masked repetition of ' ' politics of the bread and circo' ' , while the true politics carried through in the congress is made by people whom much they possess for people of same ' ' qualidade' '. ' ' make-of-conta' ' it must finish and with it the adoption of public politics that make jus to its definition: set of class actions directed toward the guarantee of the social rights, configuring a public commitment that it aims at to give account of definitive demand, in diverse areas. One of these necessity areas would be of the health.
The adoption of one politics directed toward this end if materialize with the Constitution of 1988, and brought of benefit to the Brazilian population the adoption of the SUS (Only System of Health), giving to end to the INAMPS and its privative resolution. Although until today the SUS to be, for many, devaluated, it if the population became the way of attendance guarantee the all, without any distinction, in decentralized way and regionalizada, to guarantee efficiency before the necessity of each region. In contrast of what many believe, it is not restricted to the UBS (Basic Unit of Health), but passes for hospitals, hemocentros, Sanitary Monitoring and famous Foundations, as the Oswaldo Foundation Cross, center of world-wide reference.
Nishide Ventricular
According to Cintra, Nishide and Nunes (2005), the PCR can be defined as a sudden and unexpected condition of absolute deficiency of oxygenation to tissular either for circulatria inefficiency or ceasing of the respiratory function. Still in accordance with these authors, in any one of the situations, or in the presence of both, will be able to occur irreparable cellular damages in few minutes, having themselves to have in mind that serious and irreversible cerebral injuries soon occur after first the five minutes of PCR, in normotermia conditions. He is of extreme importance that all person, (also lay) knows to detect a PCR, therefore if she does not have to lose more than the 10 20 seconds to carry through the diagnosis and to institute the reanimao maneuvers to cardiopulmonar. The PCR clinically is diagnosised when at least four conditions they coexist: 1) unconsciousness; 2) apnea or sketch of breath; 3) absence of pulses in great arteries and 4) dying appearance (16). In the practical one, the patient considers itself is in PCR when, for the digital palpao in the carotdeas and femorais regions, she is not possible if to detect pulsations effective, absence of respiratory movements and habitually you observed four basic standards of alterations of the cardiac rhythm, being they: 1) taquicardia ventricular one without pulse; 2) ventricular fibrilao (FV); 3) assistolia and 4) electric activity without pulse (17). Of the diverse situations of emergencies lived in a hospital environment, the cardiorrespiratria stop (PCR) can be understood as the moment where the performance of the nurse in the taking of fast and necessary decisions is essential to guarantee the basic support of life and the organization of the team (18). Being in such a way, the professional more qualified and enabled to take care of the most diverse necessities of the patient, intervined with the following procedures: continuous cardiorrespiratria reanimao, monitorizao of the cardiac rhythm and the other vital signals, in agreement administration of frmacos medical orientation, register of the events, notification to the plantonista doctor, as well as telling the events to the members of the family, being that the support for familiar and the friends are very important in this occasion.
ABO Increase
As Tomita (1999), the people possess genetic differences in the blood due to substance presence in it found. Before being discovered, many people died when receiving blood in transfusions. System ABO, the blood of the group, the B of the B or the group, depending on the antigen or the B that is present in the surface of the hemcias. In the case of the blood these antigens are called aglutinognio, had to the aglutinao power that they possess. In the plasma sanguineous two types of antibodies, determined can exist agglutinins: anti- or anti-B. 3,3 DONATION OF BLOOD Since the passed century, the transfunsional therapy, comes presenting great progress scientific and who had technician to the increase of the use of the blood as therapeutical resource, comes growing the number of givers (CANADO gradually; et al., 2007).
Brener, et al., (2008, P. 109), affirm that in Brazil the problem is aggravated had the high percentages of clinical incapacities and sorolgicas between individuals that if make use to make donation, beyond the high financial costs that involve the guarantee of transfunsional security, great part is of responsibility of the public power. With this the units of hemoterapia give to guarantee of the attendance of the demand disponibilizando quality products. The cited authors above tell despite in the last times he had a considerable increase of the population worried about the guarantee of the transfunsional security which had the sprouting of the HIDS. Together with the aging of the population, the violence and the accidents, had been the factors that had more collaborated for the increase in the demand for transfusions, thus reducing the number of blood givers. As the RDC n153, the blood donation must voluntary, anonymous, altruistic and not be remunerated, directly or indirectly. The information that are passed by the giver are sigilosas, in case that it has some contamination the stock market is discarded, therefore the receiver must receive a blood from quality.
The therapeutical one adopted is chosen in accordance with the degree of the illness, if diagnosised precociously, generally the treatment is less aggressive and mutilante. As Sclowtz (2005), this pathology comes gradually reaching a bigger number of women, in lower etrias bands, and with tax of mortality also increasing in the Country. Between 1979 and 1999, it had increase of 69% in the rude tax of mortality for cancer of breast in Brazil (5,77 for 9,75 deaths for 100 a thousand women/year). In this way, the main feminine malignant neoplasia also in mortality was considered, with rude tax of esteem mortality, for 2003, of 10,40 deaths for 100 a thousand women. Of similar form, between 1980 and 2000, it had increase of 60% in the rude tax of mortality for cancer of breast in the Rio Grande Do Sul (10,5 for 16,5 deaths for 100 a thousand women/year). The examinations for precocious detention of of breast if base Here basically on the auto-examination and clinical examination carried through by the professionals of the area of the health, mamografia and ultrasound, with the dissemination of these practical, mainly in the decade of 80, the programs of tracking of the pathology had been intensified.
The practical ones of precocious detention present 0 variable as age, familiar history, habits, among others. The mamografia is pointed as the main disgnostic method of the breast cancer in initial period of training, capable to detect not yet concrete alterations and favoring, thus, the precocious, more effective, less aggressive treatment, with better resulted aesthetic and reduced adverse events. However, Trufelli (2008), emphasizes that even so some studies show reduction of mortality for cancer of breast by means of the mamogrfico tracking in mass, it also is white of controversies how much its effectiveness, over all in women below of the 50 years. Although this, the mamogrfico tracking in mass has been stimulated and practised in women from the 40 years, and although its limitations, still are optimum method of tracking of the available mammary cancer.
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