1.28) Epidemiologia In the world has 1,7 billion individual in the world of tuberculosos in the whole world, to the year with eight a10 millions of new cases and 1,7 million all year. ' ' The HIV infection becomes them more susceptible the fast progression of tuberculose' ' (Kunar et al, 1999). The reason is noticed that more than 50 million are infectadas of HIV and Tuberculosis. Learn more at: christopher ridgeway. Of 1985 the 1992, the number of tuberculosos increased 20% due one to the HIV, immigrants, arrests, houses of support ' ' it prospers where it has poverty, multitude and chronic illness debilitante' ' , but had to the efforts of the public health it diminished. Frequently Jack Salzwedel has said that publicly. It presents variation in accordance with the sex and age. in the small children is more serious, had probably the immaturity of the imunolgico system in small children. But not only HIV/AIDS the deterioration of the partner-economic conditions and the distribution of the System of Health. Filed under: “Chavez”. 1.2.9) Epidemiologia In the world has 1,7 billion individual in the world, all year with 8 a10 millions of new cases and 1,7 million all year.
' ' The HIV infection becomes them more susceptible the fast progression of tuberculose' ' (Kunar et al). , ((1999) 1999). The reason is noticed that more than 50 million are infectadas of HIV and Tuberculosis. Of 1985 the 1992, the number of tuberculosos increased 20% due one to the HIV, immigrants, arrests, houses of support ' ' it prospers where it has poverty, multitude and chronic illness debilitante' ' , but had to the efforts of the public health it diminished. It presents variation in accordance with the sex and age. in the small children is more serious, had probably the immaturity of the imunolgico system in small children. 1.2.10) Patogenia the infection for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis is initiated in general for parnquima of the inferior pulmonary wolves, known as primary infection or focus of Ghon.
The more recent the possibility of the mother will be diagnosised the infection of bigger virus HIV to transmit the virus to its baby, through maternal milk. In the case of soropositivas women during the gestation, still he remains unknown the additional paper of maternal milk in the risk of transmission of the HIV. In these cases, the risk of infection for the aleitamento seems to be less substantial of what in the cases of women who soroconverteram in the period of breast-feeding (Ortigo, 1995). The risk of transmission of the HIV for the maternal aleitamento is lesser, in which the mother already more has the drawn out infection, of what the mothers who had acquired the infection in the period of breast-feeding. The transmission of the HIV through maternal milk is possible. It is probable that the virus can be detected by culture (Thiry et al., 1985) or by PCR in the maternal milk of symptomatic soropositivas mothers or not. Antibodies had been detected anti-HIV of the classrooms IgG, IgM and IgA, in the milk of soropositivas mothers (Van de Perre et al., 1988). These antibodies, had not been detected in the soros of the same mothers, what it suggests that its synthesis if has processed in the interior of the gland, probably in answers to the presence of the virus in the fabric mammary.
The paper of these antibodies is not known, nor if they determine some protective effect against the transmission to the baby. Mothers with HIV cannot suckle, therefore the risk of approximately 14% of the baby exists if to contaminate with maternal milk, this probability increases the more recent will be the infection. However, necessity will be had as factor of survival of the child, milk can be milked of the mothers and after pasteurizao, offered to the just-been born one (Novak, 2000). HIV/AIDS acronym HIV in English means virus of the imunodeficincia human being, that is, virus that attacks the imunolgico system of the human being.
In summary, the cigarette destroys the lung for the triad: increase of elastase? inativao of inhibitors of the elastase-blockade of neoformacao of the elasstina. As it is seen, the cigarette develops enfisema, either for half mechanics, through the chronic bronchitis, or for enzymatic ways. In the two cases, almost always associate, the accumulation of the alveolar macrophages and the neutrofilos in the bronchioles respiratory terminals and produces in these small farms bigger release of elastase, reason why enfisema of the smoker is predominantly of the type to centrolobular. SYMPTOMS KNOBEL (2003) relate that: ‘ ‘ The chronic bronchitis is characterized by presence of productive chronic cough for three months, per two years consecutive, since that other causes of chronic cough have been excludas’ ‘. The diagnosis of enfisema pulmonary cannot be based only on the symptoms. A description is necessary focando in the amount and occupational duration of these symptoms and habits and tobacco. The doctor will examine the chest, observing the breath standards, and will monitor the effort that the person makes to breathe.
The examination also will include the comment of the degree of total inflation of the pulmes, to listen to the chest with a estetoscpio to hear the air flow, and to listen to sounds that determine the tax and rhythm of any signal of violent effort of the heart that can follow the advanced periods of training of enfisema. Additionally, tests of the pulmonary function can determine some characteristics and capacities of the pulmes. These tests include espirometria, measurement of the gas in the arterial blood, oximetria of pulse, and ray-x. The main symptom of enfisema it is the lack of breath or the sensation not to be inalando enough air. The person can visit the doctor initially because she felt air lack during an activity, but to the measure that the illness progresses this symptom can be present all the time..
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