Skinner Development
Bart begins to attend college at the age of 5, his behavior always evidence that an acceptance of the role of student who must assume; there is from the moment that comes to school Milhouse Van Houten becomes his best friend. Milhouse helps you understand what their problems are and how see them people Bart, an example of this is when Bart understands that it is the buffoon of the school and the worst enemy of principal Skinner; Bart demonstrates that its behavior is characteristically comical and uses them as a means of adaptation and acceptance by their peers, which is evidenced in its easy to communicate. The cognitive development of Bart is affected from the age of 8. Until that time it presents a good academic performance, but demotion due to the appearance of the Simpson gene, likewise it is evident that Bart does not possess an adequate cognitive development in terms of prosecutions logical, but if evidenced by the development of qualities specific such as a high degree of socialization with peers, communication skills and development of common sense which leads it an effective solution of their problems. Theoretical contextualization of the ecological model. Below describes the social and cognitive development of Bart Simpson from the theoretical approach of the ecology of human development proposed by Bronfenbrenner and Piagetiana perspective. As mentioned before, for Piaget (1964) Bart would be in the stage of concrete operations, and his thinking has the ability to assume operations ration them; ecological model of Bronfenbrenner taken from model Bronfenbrenner as the psiconcologia theoretical framework and predictors of juvenile antisocial behavior is used to describe its development: an ecological model studies based on ecological theory of development. The ecological perspective of development sees the environment as a set of levels or structures held each other in a linear fashion (Torrico, Pappus, Villas, Alvares and Lopez, 2002).