Pharmaceutical Attention
With a new face under the biggest position that somebody can occupy in a country? of the presidency, much is argued on which will be the steps of Brazil in next the four years. The hope of a majority that is treated as minority if renews for believing that of this time somebody to provide with laws and sanctions that aim at its necessities. These, go since the scope of the habitation, sanitation and transport until the one of the health, education and feeding. Unhappyly, what one sees to each four years is a masked repetition of ' ' politics of the bread and circo' ' , while the true politics carried through in the congress is made by people whom much they possess for people of same ' ' qualidade' '. ' ' make-of-conta' ' it must finish and with it the adoption of public politics that make jus to its definition: set of class actions directed toward the guarantee of the social rights, configuring a public commitment that it aims at to give account of definitive demand, in diverse areas. One of these necessity areas would be of the health.
The adoption of one politics directed toward this end if materialize with the Constitution of 1988, and brought of benefit to the Brazilian population the adoption of the SUS (Only System of Health), giving to end to the INAMPS and its privative resolution. Although until today the SUS to be, for many, devaluated, it if the population became the way of attendance guarantee the all, without any distinction, in decentralized way and regionalizada, to guarantee efficiency before the necessity of each region. In contrast of what many believe, it is not restricted to the UBS (Basic Unit of Health), but passes for hospitals, hemocentros, Sanitary Monitoring and famous Foundations, as the Oswaldo Foundation Cross, center of world-wide reference.