Nishide Ventricular
According to Cintra, Nishide and Nunes (2005), the PCR can be defined as a sudden and unexpected condition of absolute deficiency of oxygenation to tissular either for circulatria inefficiency or ceasing of the respiratory function. Still in accordance with these authors, in any one of the situations, or in the presence of both, will be able to occur irreparable cellular damages in few minutes, having themselves to have in mind that serious and irreversible cerebral injuries soon occur after first the five minutes of PCR, in normotermia conditions. He is of extreme importance that all person, (also lay) knows to detect a PCR, therefore if she does not have to lose more than the 10 20 seconds to carry through the diagnosis and to institute the reanimao maneuvers to cardiopulmonar. The PCR clinically is diagnosised when at least four conditions they coexist: 1) unconsciousness; 2) apnea or sketch of breath; 3) absence of pulses in great arteries and 4) dying appearance (16). In the practical one, the patient considers itself is in PCR when, for the digital palpao in the carotdeas and femorais regions, she is not possible if to detect pulsations effective, absence of respiratory movements and habitually you observed four basic standards of alterations of the cardiac rhythm, being they: 1) taquicardia ventricular one without pulse; 2) ventricular fibrilao (FV); 3) assistolia and 4) electric activity without pulse (17). Of the diverse situations of emergencies lived in a hospital environment, the cardiorrespiratria stop (PCR) can be understood as the moment where the performance of the nurse in the taking of fast and necessary decisions is essential to guarantee the basic support of life and the organization of the team (18). Being in such a way, the professional more qualified and enabled to take care of the most diverse necessities of the patient, intervined with the following procedures: continuous cardiorrespiratria reanimao, monitorizao of the cardiac rhythm and the other vital signals, in agreement administration of frmacos medical orientation, register of the events, notification to the plantonista doctor, as well as telling the events to the members of the family, being that the support for familiar and the friends are very important in this occasion.