Metastases Tumor
Symptoms of Pain, a reduced durability, unintentional weight loss, and a downward trend of the general health show as first symptoms bone cancer for both the primary and secondary bone cancer. The primary bone cancer cause in addition often swelling, which lead to a restricted mobility. Secondary bone cancer is often noticeable by unexplained bone fractures. Kicking one or several of these symptoms on a doctor should be consulted so that it can make a clear diagnosis. Bone cancer in addition to a medical history interview and a general physical examination, particularly Imaging examinations and blood tests for the diagnosis are necessary diagnosis. The first signs of bone cancer are often already on the basis of an X-ray image.
Typical signs of the Constitution are recognisable destruction and fuzzy boundaries of the bone. Through an X-ray can also any metastases in addition in the lungs are diagnosed. Besides the race gene analysis, magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography and Skelettszintigrafie be used for the diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are used primarily to obtain more precise information about the tumor and its expansion. A Skelettszintigrafie can discover other cancer infested or exclude at best.
In some cases, the blood vessels using an angiography are represented. Also Ultrasound (Sonography) are used for the diagnosis. Various instructions on a bone cancer can be determined on the basis of a blood test. An increase in the enzyme exists in alkaline phosphatase, may reference an osteosarcoma. An increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate of body, as well as an anemia (lack of red blood cells), or an increase of white blood cell count (too many white blood cells) indicate an Ewing sarcoma. References to an Ewing Sarcoma, usually a bone marrow biopsy is carried out. By this analysis, the doctor receives instructions on the spread of the tumor in the bone marrow, which are essential for the subsequent treatment. Optimized always tailored to the patient treatment of bone cancer which is treating bone cancer and chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery usually is always based on the three traditional treatment options for cancer patients. A link from the three treatment options is often used in the treatment of primary bone cancer. The exact treatment depends always on shape and extent of the cancer. Metastases may also be present must be considered in the treatment. A radiation treatment can be used with an osteosarcoma, very limited. Therefore, an osteosarcoma typically use a combination of chemotherapy and surgery will be treated. Usually is already tried before surgery, chemotherapy to shrink the tumor. Renewed chemotherapy occurs after subsequent surgical destruction of the tumor. Have not yet looked at an osteosarcoma Metastases formed, the chance of survival is under the General cancer valid five year survival rate, approximately 60 to 70 percent. Metastasis in the bone the affected bone usually be stabilized operationally, to reduce the risk of a breakage. Also bisphosphonates can be given to the strengthening of the bones. A radiotherapy is often used for bone cancer in addition to a drug therapy as pain therapy. The treatment of secondary bone cancer is always after the primary tumor. Because starting with secondary bone cancer always to a metastasis from a primary tumor outside of the bone tissue, the forecast for a successful treatment is all in all inferior, in the therapy of primary bone cancer.