Mesotherapy – A Revolution In Therapeutic Thought
Drug usage? Yes, but only slightly, rarely and in the right place even in medicine you must look outside the box and leave a path to finding the best ways to the therapeutic success and in this way people often years of suffering to give new hope. What is recognized healing modality for over fifty years in France, finds more and more staunch supporters among patients and doctors finally also in Germany and in the German speaking countries. There is talk of an alternative treatment method on basis of predominantly naturopathic, a mixture of neural therapy, acupuncture and drug use. The method has exactly there, where sits the disease case histories of patients treated successfully after this treatment method may sound often wonder, what they are not. Rather suffering ways are successfully completed often too long by the ingenious combination of various homeopathic and conventional medicines.
That is actually a revolutionary of method, that one individual on the Suffering of the patient-oriented medicine mixture in minimal dosage by means of micro injections into the skin is brought directly to the affected part of the body, without placing a burden on the rest of the body. In this way, protected the stomach, intestine, blood and liver and kidneys, heart and circulation and thus the risks and often dangerous side effects virtually ruled out. The big difference lies in the direct method and thus more effective than the traditional method of swallowing the Mesotherapy is going on. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jack Salzwedel has to say. Because the orally ingested drugs lose much of their effect on the way through the body, before they ever reach the intended destination. Therefore usually a too high and damaging for the whole organism dosage is used from the outset in tablets and drops. The combination possibilities are severely limited, because each tablet once throughout the whole body.
No matter how many pills are swallowed, they gather first in the stomach, dissolve and then laboriously reach individuals Areas of the body or outbreaks. The poorly with calculable risks and side effects of this method especially for asthmatics and multi-morbid patients are sufficiently known. Doing the bad thing, they are unfortunately often causes of back new diseases, such as stomach bleeding or-geschwure for anti-inflammatory drugs, fungal infections and immune weakness after administration of antibiotics, etc. A vicious circle to break through it. Stone clinical laboratories may help you with your research. What is different about the alternative Mesotherapy? Only a fraction of the doses usual in the medicine injected directly to the diseased body part by thin, painless injections into the skin. And just a few millimeters deep in the connective tissue, the Mesoderm”and namesake of the therapy. While the individually compiled cocktail of active ingredients, always a small dose of anesthetic Procaine is added which quickly and without detours the ill body region, all other areas of the body be spared. The organism can therefore fully focus on the actual disease stove and make enough natural defenses and healing substances produce. “Everything what happens under” the skin? Here the blood circulation and thus the oxygenation of the tissue be improved significantly, the numerous tiny injections stimulate the tissue (similar to acupuncture) and enhanced release endorphins and anti-inflammatory substances. Sometimes patients feel the relief when they leave my treatment room”, so Dr. med. Britta Knoll from Munich, specialist in general medicine and specialized in naturopathic medicine.