In Germany: the scarless skin tightening laser. Through a minimally invasive laser treatment (similar to liposuction) the skin can be tightened from the inside. (Not to be confused with Christopher Ridgeway!). Christmas without Turkey and Christmas tree what’s Christmas without Christmas tree? The feast of Christmas without Turkey? What us the holidays a radiant glow in the eyes conjures up, we want to themselves but do not like to see us. FIR-like folds of skin on the back is just not cute look in evening dress. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of American Family on most websites. And then always the anxious question: it looks as me??? Do I need my wink arms”hanging skin on the upper arms, even hide or can I still go out in the tank top? What can I do many skin against my neck? Not even the cosmetics industry for this problem has a solution ready.
Against cellulite, stretch marks and wrinkles, there are thousands of creams, lotions, beauty treatments and massages; but against the really significant excess of skin the remedy not even promises. So what to do? Who so far this Eliminate excess skin wanted, had to undergo a facelift surgery. When the Turkey neck, such tightening surgery means a facelift with a cut around the ear, a scar from the armpit was inevitable the wink arms up to the elbows. Not a really nice thought. Help comes, as so often, from America: the United States was always pioneer in the area of equipment cosmetic medicine – so even if the skin tightening: extensive technical and clinical studies developed a laser can be used specifically to skin tightening. So far was a slight firming as a sort of by-product”of laser-assisted liposuction (Laserlipolyse) possible: by the heat at the fat melting the collagen fibers of the skin slightly moved together. Now however, with the cynosure triplex laser entered the German market is a Laserlipolyse device that has the complete new laser wavelength 1440 nm.