HIV Health
It is carried through during six months. In some cases special, they can last more time. Moreover, the vaccination with BCG in the just-been born one, protects the young children and adults against the serious forms of primary tuberculosis as the miliar (spread in the pulmes and other agencies) and the tuberculosa meningite. The effectiveness of the vaccine is between 75 and 85%. Comments gerais/IMPORTANTES? Infectadas people and that they are not sick do not transmit the bacillus. A time infectadas, the person can develop tuberculosis illness in any phase of the life. All the individuals infectados for the HIV must be submitted to the tuberculnico test.
Few days after the beginning of the correct chemotherapy, the bacilli of the tuberculosis practically lose its infectante power. All the projects, the medication are of daily use and will have to be managed of taken preference in an only one in jejum or, in case of digestive intolerncia, together with a meal. Special attention must be given to the treatment of groups considered of high risk of poisoning, as people with more than 60 years, in bad general state and alcoolistas. The accompaniment of the treatment consists of the periodic evaluation of the evolution of the illness and the correct use of medicines, therefore the gratuitous supply must be guaranteed to the patient and uninterrupted of the medication it specifies. CONCLUSION Although the great advances of the medicine in the last few decades, the tuberculosis still is the more prevalent infectious illness in the world. This if of the one for the lack of information of the patients, the professionals of health and of neglects of the service epidemiologist as well as of the health managers. However, one becomes necessary that the health professionals if become experts of the TBC and its situation in Brazil/world, of the measures that the Health department is taking to diminish its advance through the implantation of the National Plan of Control of the Tuberculosis and its paper as educators in the process. That they are habits to identify a suspicious case of conscientious tuberculosis and of the importance of the notification, as well as of the necessity following the evolution of the treatment guaranteeing the correct treatment of the patient and its recovery.