Fall Fishing
This fall fishing begins in the second half of autumn. Go fishing with elements of subtle or complex as it angling. Important feature of fishing in the second period of autumn is the withering away of the annual plants and dropping them on the bottom. Also due to death of microbial water becomes lighter. With the onset of a cold period significantly reduced the amount of feed in the pond. The larvae of many insect species slipping into a deeper place, leaving the coastal area. Work up over the summer period a sufficient quantity of fat, complementing its reserves, but it does not so active as in summer, choosing bait with caution.
The same effect on the bite fish water clarification and a decrease in temperature. The first increases the visibility and the other slows down metabolism, affecting the bite. Due to the short-term improvement of the weather, there are active periods of biting fish. If foresee a period in which we can not achieve poor results. Considering the fishing grounds and the choice of the reservoir, we can say that the most unproductive fishing will be fishing in shallow water. There are exceptions – this is pre- explored the pit and place with great coastline. In the shallow waters in the presence of the deep places you can find enough not bad copies. You can also note the tributaries of major rivers.
The combination of great depth and small currents play a positive role in studying the terrain, then defining parking lot of fish. Fishing for certain species chosen their own tactics. In contrast to summer, fall fish takes place according to its kind. Float fishing rod for mild Select more successful strikes. Tackle weight up to 2g. The line selected diameter 0,06-0,10 mm. The float carrying capacity of 0.2-0.8 ml. Number 20 hook and a few small pellets. Nozzle will be: Grain cereals, maggot, caddis flies, bloodworm, ie bait without flavor. You can add a little bait in the rate of 1 drop per 3 kg of bait – anise, garlic, dill, thyme. In the cold of autumn the most works effectively bait mixture of clay with bloodworms or maggots. The most important thing is not to overdo it with bait otherwise sated, the fish stop biting. Short plug connector with snap-in allows you to keep track snap in place. In the autumn the fish is not looking over the pond in search of food, and waiting for it almost zaplyvet into her mouth. To use the weight equipment in 0.15 gr.podoydet 5.8 meter plug and line from 0.05-0.10 mm. Fall fishing is most similar to fishing in the winter. When moving the float downstream and stop it in one place and then dive under the water, may signal a bite. This proves that the fish are inactive in one place waiting for food. The bottom gear with the arrival of cold weather, such species as bream, roach, dace, chub go into deeper places, eating from the bottom. This type of fishing equipment is suitable, consisting of the fishing line diameter 0.15-0.20 mm, hook 18-22 and trough in the vicinity of the hook. Bait is still the same maggot, bloodworm, caddis flies. When using three or four maggots on a hook, caught more big fish.