'Director's alcoholism' as 'an evening drinking' are not some special kind of alcohol dependence. These names show how the forms of alcohol dependence. In the 'evening alcoholism 'first appears habit relieve tension and relax in the evenings with the help of alcohol. 'Director's alcoholism' is associated with a business area where taken "for the good cause" to resort to alcohol, when many issues are often solved in the bath or in a restaurant for business lunches. Such informal atmosphere helps to relax the negotiators and quickly find a common solution, to discuss details of future deal. In addition, business the world as we know, is too small. Read more here: Alfred Adler. Every businessman has a lot of friends, acquaintances, and can be purchased as potential customers. 'Director's alcoholism' is often formed among business people, merchants, businessmen, environment which made note of the transaction, the conclusion of the contract.
A man engaged in serious business, of course, will not drink with anyone, but in a narrow range of partners, it is sometimes simply must do it. Business people drinking under the influence circumstances, but gradually formed when alcohol dependence, 'drunken' days are more and more, and all are better reasons for drinking. Alcohol consumption is growing, and with it grow and problems: there are psycho-emotional disorders, deteriorating health. In this state, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the old busy lifestyle business chelovekayu. It turns out that the person has not previously prone to drinking and racket, a smart, well-mannered gentleman who knows how to 'apply' himself and his company at its best, is gradually turning into an alcoholic. In this case, the sooner people pay attention to your alcohol dependence and to resort to professional help, the better chance to maintain health and careers. The main task of treatment of alcohol dependence – to overcome the craving for alcohol (with the help of coding for alcoholism, psychotherapy, and etc.).