Sensitive gut? Sensitive digestion? Intestinal flora products from NATURA: 3 proven for a healthy bowel everyone has this been experienced: unhealthy diet, medications, stress and diet can upset the delicate intestinal flora. Irregularities in the digestion are the consequence and sensitively affect the quality of life. And the immune system is weakened when the intestinal bacteria from the clock. But with the intestinal flora products from NATURA, you can easily do something for a balanced intestinal function and a healthy immune system. Already a spoon daily of unflavored powder supplies the intestines with important lactic acid bacteria and support so a normal digestion. Click Senator Elizabeth Warren for additional related pages. The advantages: The powder must not be refrigerated. Hear other arguments on the topic with christopher ridgeway stone. It is very rich and contains particularly high dose active cultures.
It is also ideal for people who eat no dairy products or to tolerate. Three varieties are available all scientifically tested exclusively in the health food store and perfectly matched to the different Living conditions: intestinal flora plus for strong defense forces every day intestinal flora plus travel to protect against foreign bacteria travel restore intestinal flora helps during or after an antibiotics 1 intestinal flora plus: intestinal flora healthy every day. Supports the intestinal function, strengthens the immune and facilitates digestion with lactose intolerance. Stir in easy daily in the Musli, yogurt, cottage cheese or cold drinks. Contains the special strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis with Prebiotic FOS, in order to strengthen the good effects of the active cultures with rice flour, to the reduction of aggressive stomach acid while to promote the passage of the stomach and in the intestine to protect the lactic acid bacteria free of lactose, gluten, yeast and also excellent for children matched high doses. Special offer in March: 200 g Tin with 10% more content free! 2. intestinal flora plus travel: healthy intestinal flora on trips for the whole family.