Rubens Building
You if call Alpha and in the o we create. We are human beings, composites of alive substance, complex structure and you he is composed of matriasinttica, almost identical to ours. You are an android, a demquina species, that she imitates, in the physical compleio and the intellect, a human being. We place the knowledge all that we possess in its brain and you it has capacidadepara to learn much more. The Helena doctor one kept silent, observing me, and doutorWalter spoke: – We go conduziz it to give a stroll. It said. – We go, it is arisen, it made a small effort, it raises otronco and it placed the feet in the soil. We want that you know the place you ondeestamos.
Through electric circuits, generated for the brain, I commanded my body if to put into motion. I rose myself of the group of benches, I placed the feet nosolo and I looked for to keep me erect, setting in motion the sensor of balance, distance eprofundidade. I walked to the side of the doctor Walter and the others had followed in them, observing my movements. The room where we were retires was it of work. I visited the other dependences of the building, the room to be, the workshop, the room dejogos, and the room of the security equipment and survival. It also had, a garage, beyond one I deposit repleto of materials and tools. In segundopiso they were the dormitories, a kitchen, a store-room, room of edois meals bathrooms.
The construction is to circulate with a cupola covered for generators deenergia solar. It has two rows of windows that they surround the building. – Beyond solar energy, we can use the energiaatmica, supplied for a stack, under the building. The Rubens doctor explained and adoutor Diana, gathered: – Its body also functions with atomic energy contidanuma capsule in its thorax.
Distance Medical Consultation has decided to offer a special service to all users. As of this moment, in the vestibule it will be possible to find one complete distance gratuitous, so that free, the oracle helps us to overcome the difficulties of the daily life. We will be able then, to arrange to us to realise a daily distance, or whenever a question arises to us, because the programmers of the site have arbitrated means necessary to approach the wisdom of our mentalistas the public who visits to us. Their mentalistas are all viewer natural, that work knowing that they do a good to him to his resemblances. For that reason, who owns resemblance birth gift, it knows that he is his to have to share it with people. Consequently, the people in charge of the site have decided to make arrive the knowledge and our perception from viewer at all the people who wish to realise a consultation.
Entering the site of, on the foot of the main page he will find the application that will give access him to the interpretation of the distance that realises. Concntrese in a question, and presses Thrown Realizar. Immediately, it will be possible to accede to the arcane developing, and an interpretation than that arcane one really it means. Our viewer natural ones supervise the process, reason why, in terms of effectiveness, it works just as a personal consultation. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare itself for this distance as if it go to attend the doctor’s office of one of our tarotistas, but with the advantage of being a completely private experience, and from the tranquillity of its home. Some letters that will be expressed in positive form with respect to the mentioned questions are the World and the Car.
Both letters express triumphs. In the case of the Car, the triumph arrives by own merit, realised efforts. Whereas in the World, one is a total victory, that puts to the world to the service of the consulting one. On the other hand, the negative letters that can be expressed could be the Tower, and the inverted Tower catastrophic changes, the will of God that finally is carried out. When these arcane ones leave developings, happening of our future can not include what we wished that happens. The distance is ideal for when we want to know the answers to precise questions good: I will pass that examination that it has worried to me so? It will invite to me to leave that person who as much desire? I will find a job soon? These and many other questions will be able to find an answer satisfactory once it has consulted free the oracle of
Pool Swimming
Phone calls are not answered either one or the other. They went, and I was left alone with a swimming pool, which has become one big problem. But there was nothing. Pool was an expensive toy, and its construction had to pay back to pay off debts. Once again we filled the water, but to somehow reduce the risk of infections began to add chlorine to the water.
I consoled myself with the thought that all public swimming pools are doing – and nothing, people are still swimming. But it turned out that a public swimming pool and a bowl in a popular hotel – it’s completely different things. Very soon the question of high content of chlorine in the water I started to ask my guests. Moms with kids who swam in the pool the children began to resent the fact that the pool is too strong smell of bleach. Almost every day I saw the faded swimwear and worn to a frazzle your hair (and some fair-haired girls, they even acquired a greenish tinge!).
And then there was the most frightening: many children appeared allergic reaction. The sentence was cruel doctors: cause allergies – high content of chlorine in the water I will not tell you that very soon my hotel was empty. No adverts could not win a sentence “word of mouth:” This hotel – terrible Pool. To be in it is dangerous to health.
In summary, the cigarette destroys the lung for the triad: increase of elastase? inativao of inhibitors of the elastase-blockade of neoformacao of the elasstina. As it is seen, the cigarette develops enfisema, either for half mechanics, through the chronic bronchitis, or for enzymatic ways. In the two cases, almost always associate, the accumulation of the alveolar macrophages and the neutrofilos in the bronchioles respiratory terminals and produces in these small farms bigger release of elastase, reason why enfisema of the smoker is predominantly of the type to centrolobular. SYMPTOMS KNOBEL (2003) relate that: ‘ ‘ The chronic bronchitis is characterized by presence of productive chronic cough for three months, per two years consecutive, since that other causes of chronic cough have been excludas’ ‘. The diagnosis of enfisema pulmonary cannot be based only on the symptoms. A description is necessary focando in the amount and occupational duration of these symptoms and habits and tobacco. The doctor will examine the chest, observing the breath standards, and will monitor the effort that the person makes to breathe.
The examination also will include the comment of the degree of total inflation of the pulmes, to listen to the chest with a estetoscpio to hear the air flow, and to listen to sounds that determine the tax and rhythm of any signal of violent effort of the heart that can follow the advanced periods of training of enfisema. Additionally, tests of the pulmonary function can determine some characteristics and capacities of the pulmes. These tests include espirometria, measurement of the gas in the arterial blood, oximetria of pulse, and ray-x. The main symptom of enfisema it is the lack of breath or the sensation not to be inalando enough air. The person can visit the doctor initially because she felt air lack during an activity, but to the measure that the illness progresses this symptom can be present all the time..
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